Paul’s Authority from the Lord, 1-11

10:1 Now I, Paul, appeal to you personally by the meekness and gentleness of Christ (I who am meek when present among you, but am full of courage toward you when away!)—10:2 now I ask that when I am present I may not have to be bold with the confidence that (I expect) I will dare to use against some who consider us to be behaving according to human standards. 10:3 For though we live as human beings, we do not wage war according to human standards, 10:4 for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by God for tearing down strongholds. We tear down arguments 10:5 and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ. 10:6 We are also ready to punish every act of disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. 10:7 You are looking at outward appearances. If anyone is confident that he belongs to Christ, he should reflect on this again: Just as he himself belongs to Christ, so too do we. 10:8 For if I boast somewhat more about our authority that the Lord gave us for building you up and not for tearing you down, I will not be ashamed of doing so. 10:9 I do not want to seem as though I am trying to terrify you with my letters, 10:10 because some say, “His letters are weighty and forceful, but his physical presence is weak and his speech is of no account.” 10:11 Let such a person consider this: What we say by letters when we are absent, we also are in actions when we are present.

This opens a new section in 2 Cor, in which Paul answers the criticisms of the new ministers and their supporters in the Corinthian church. The fervour which which he does so shows the seriousness of the situation, and that his relationship with the church at Corinth, and indeed, the very life of that church, were at stake.

Some scholars have thought that chapters 10-13 constitute a separate letter in the Corinthian correspondence.

By the meekness and gentleness of Christ – not so much a note of exasperation, so much as of a deep concern that the spirit and example of Christ should govern all their dealings, not least when the situation requires some firmness. On our Lord’s teaching and example, see Mt 5:5 11:29. Paul draws on this example again in Phil 2:5ff; cf 4:5. But note that Christ’s meekness is compatible with great sternness, Jn 2:14 Mt 23. So Paul, too, mixes Christ-like meekness and gentleness with sternness in refuting the propaganda of the false teachers. He will do so again, not long afterwards, in writing to the Galatians, Gal 1:6 ff, w 5:22-23; 6:1ff.

I appeal to you – there is both authority and gentleness in this appeal.

Notice how Paul explains his ministry in vv3-5. Summarising Paul’s teaching in this in the Corinthian correspondence, Peter Adam says,

‘He does this not so much by setting examples of techniques of preaching but by explaining the nature, authority and truth of his gospel and the style of his ministry, and the suffering that results from his gospel aims.’ (Speaking God’s Words, 82)

The weapons we fight with – These have been specified in 2 Cor 6:6,7. See also Eph 6:13 1 Thess 5:8.

Our weapons are mighty only through God:

‘The weapons were such as were furnished by truth and righteousness, and these were rendered mighty by the attending agency of God. The sense is, that God is the Author of the doctrines which we preach, and that he attends them with the agency of his Spirit, and accompanies them to the hearts of men. It is important for all ministers to feel that their weapons are mighty ONLY through God. Conquerors and earthly warriors go into battle depending on the might of their own arm, and on the wisdom and skill which plans the battle. The Christian goes on his warfare, feeling that however well adapted the truths which he holds are to accomplish great purposes, and however wisely his plans are formed, yet that the efficacy of all depends on the agency of God. He has no hope of victory but in God. And if God does not attend him, he is sure of inevitable defeat.’ (Barnes)

Hodge, similarly:

‘In the war in which Paul was engaged, his confidence was not in himself, not in human reason, not in the power of argument or eloquence, not in the resources of cunning or management, but simply and only in the supernatural power of God.’

The Corinthians seriously underestimated human resistance to and rebellion against God, something that Paul refers to here as ‘strongholds’ – powerfully guarded fortresses, highly resistant to attack from outside. Yet Paul’s weapons, far from being ‘worldly’, v3, posses divine power to overthrow these fortresses, v4, and the arguments and pretensions they equip themselves with, v5. These weapons are used, v5 to ‘take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.’ Here is the battle for the mind!

Paul’s estimate of the power of unbelief is a realistic one. Only the right weapons, correctly used, can subdue such a proud and resistant rebel. These weapons are the words of God. And let us understand that all preaching is futile which does not strenuously seek to bring the Lordship of Christ and his saving power into clear focus.

Strongholds – ‘The word here rendered “strongholds” (ochuroma) means, properly, a fastness, fortress, or strong fortification. It is here beautifully used to denote the various obstacles resembling a fortress which exist, and which are designed and adapted to oppose the truth and the triumph of the Christian’s cause. All those obstacles are strongly fortified. The sins of his heart are fortified by long indulgence, and by the hold which they have on his soul. The wickedness of the world which he opposes is strongly fortified by the fact that it has seized on strong human passions; that one point strengthens another; that great numbers are united. The idolatry of the world was strongly fortified by prejudice, and long establishment, and the protection of laws, and the power of the priesthood; and the opinions of the world are entrenched behind false philosophy and the power of subtle argumentation. The whole world is fortified against Christianity; and the nations of the earth have been engaged in little else than in raising and strengthening such strongholds for the space of six thousand years. The Christian religion goes forth against all the combined and concentrated powers of resistance of the whole world; and the warfare is to be waged against every strongly fortified place of error and of sin. These strong fortifications of error and of sin are to be battered down and laid in ruins by our spiritual weapons.’ (Barnes)

‘The opposers of the gospel felt that they were so entrenched, so protected by the fortresses which they occupied, that they despised the ministers of Christ and derided their efforts. What these strong-holds were the apostle tells us in what follows.’ (Hodge)

‘The ministers of Christ come to destroy Satan’s kingdom, therefore the old serpent will spit all his venom at them. If we tread upon the devil’s head, he will bite us by the heel. The devil sets up several forts and garrisons in men’s hearts – pride, ignorance, unbelief. Now the weapons of the ministry beat down these strongholds. (2 Cor 10:4) Therefore Satan raises his militia, all the force and power of hell against the ministry. The kingdom of Satan is a ‘kingdom of darkness’, (Ac 26:18 Rev 16:10) and God’s ministers are called the ‘light of the world’. (Mt 5:14) They come to enlighten those that sit in darkness. This enrages Satan. Therefore he labours to eclipse the lights, to pull down the stars, that his kingdom of darkness may prevail. The devil is called a lion. (1 Pet 5:8) The souls of people are the lion’s prey. The ministers’ work is to take away this prey from this lion. Therefore how will he roar upon them, and seek to destroy them!’ (Watson, The Beatitudes)

‘Jesus Christ discovered truth powerfully, speaking “as one having authority, and not as the Pharisees,” Mt 7:29. They were cold and dull preachers, their words did even freeze betwixt their lips; but Christ spake with power; there was heat as well as light in his doctrine: and so there is still, though it be in the mouth of poor contemptible men, 2 Cor 10:4 “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the casting down of strongholds: it is still quick and powerful, sharper than a two edged sword; and piercing, to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow,” Heb 4:12. The blessed apostle imitated Christ; and being filled with his spirit, spake home and freely to the hearts of men. So many words, so many claps of thunder, (as ones said of him) which made the hearts of sinners shake and tremble in their breasts. All faithful and able ministers are not alike gifted in this particular; but, surely, there is a holy seriousness and spiritual grace and majesty in their doctrine, commanding reverence from their hearers.’ (Flavel, The Fountain of Life)

The knowledge of God – ‘According to Paul, the norm for all knowledge of God is the knowledge of God in Jesus Christ. (cf. 2 Cor 10:5; Php 3:10; Col 2:2f) In Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory and the image of the invisible God, God has become fully known for the spiritual purposes of the human race; and, consequently, any proposed philosophical knowledge of God cannot be considered to compete with the knowledge of God in Jesus Christ. Thus on Mars’ Hill Paul accuses the audience, which included Stoics and Epicureans, of ignorance; and he sets out the true knowledge of God as that known by creation (Ac 17:24) and Jesus Christ (17:31). In 1 Cor 1:20-22 he claims that the wise men of Greece have produced theological foolishness, for in their proposed wisdom they failed to know God (note Paul does not speak of the existence of God, but of the knowledge of God). In 1 Cor 2:1-6 Paul emphatically declares that Christian faith does not rest upon the methodology followed by the philosophers. Christianity does not rest upon “lofty words or wisdom,” nor upon “plausible words of wisdom,” nor upon the “wisdom of men.”‘ (Ramm, ISBE, art. ‘Apologetics, Biblical’)

‘The scripture expresseth the work of conversion by a threefold metaphor, viz. That of a resurrection from the dead, Rom 4:4. That of creation Eph 2:10. And That of victory or conquest, 2 Cor 10:4,5. All these set forth the infinite power of God in this work; for no less than Almighty Power is required to each of them, and if you strictly examine the distinct notions, you shall find the power of God more and more illustriously displayed in each of them. To raise the dead, is the effect of Almighty Power; but then the resurrection supposeth pre-existent matter. In the work of creation, there is no pre-existent matter; but then there is no opposition: That which is not, rebels not against the power which gives it being. But victory and conquest suppose opposition, all the power of corrupt nature arming itself, and fighting against God: but yet not able to frustrate his design. Let the soul whom the Father draws, struggle and reluctate as much as it can, it shall come, yea, and come willingly too, when the drawing power of God is upon it. O the self-conflicts, the contrary resolves, with which the soul finds itself distracted, and rent asunder! The hopes and fears; the encouragements and discouragements; they will, and they will not: but victorious grace conquers all opposition at last. We find an excellent example of this in blessed Augustin, who speaks of this very work; the drawing of his soul to Christ, and how he felt in that day two wills in himself, “one old, the other new; one carnal, the other spiritual; and how in these their contrary motions and conflicts, he was torn asunder in his own thoughts and resolutions, suffering that unwillingly which he did willingly.” And certainly, if we consider how deep the soul is rooted by natural inclination, and long continued custom in sin, how extremely averse it is to the ways of strict godliness and mortification; how Satan, that invidious enemy, that strong man armed, fortifies the soul to defend his possession against Christ, and entrenches himself in the understanding, will, and affections, by deep-rooted prejudices against Christ and holiness, it is a wonder of wonders to see a soul quitting all its beloved lusts, and fleshly interests and endearments, and coming willingly under Christ’s yoke.’ (Flavel, The Method of Grace)

v6 Moffatt continues the military imagery of the preceding verses: ‘I am prepared to court-martial anyone who remains insubordinate, once your submission is complete.’

Paul has faith in the ultimate submission of the majority to his authority and to the truth of the gospel. Those, however, who remain disobedient in these areas will no longer be counted among their number, cf 1 Jn 2:18-19.

You are looking only on the surface of things – RSV treats this as an imperative: ‘Look at what is before your eyes,’ ie, ‘Look at what is patently obvious.’ Such is how the verb ‘blepete’ is used elsewhere in Paul’s letters.

The authority the Lord gave us – ‘The apostles were agents of God’s revelation of the truths that would become the Christian rule of faith and life. As such, and through Christ’s appointment of them as his authorized representatives, (2 Cor 10:8 13:10) the apostles exercised a unique and functional authority in the infant church. There are no apostles today, though some Christians fulfill ministries that are in particular ways apostolic in style. No new canonical revelation is currently being given; apostolic teaching authority resides in the canonical Scriptures, of which the apostles’ own writings are the core and the key. The absence of new revelation does not, however, put the contemporary church at any disadvantage compared with the church of apostolic days, for the Holy Spirit interprets and applies these Scriptures to God’s people continually.’ (Concise Theology)

v10 ‘Following Paul’s denunciation of contemporary rhetoric in preaching for theological reasons. (1 Cor 1:17-2:5) His rhetorically minded opponents made a stinging critique of his oratorical abilities or lack of them. (2 Cor 10:10) While conceding his letters were “weighty and strong” in rhetorical presentation, they said he failed as a public orator because he lacked “presence,” that is, a beautiful body and a pleasant-sounding voice with appropriate gestures to match. His physical appearance was weak (tradition says he had crooked legs, a long nose and eyebrows which met, Acts of Paul and Thekla) and his voice lacked timbre. (2 Cor 10:10 11:6) Not preaching like a public orator, he called himself a “layperson” (i.e., a person trained in oratory but not making use of it). However, as the Corinthians well knew from his letters, he could use rhetoric with devastating effect (e.g., his skillful use of the device of the covert allusion in 1 Cor 4:6-13).’ (DPL)

Paul’s Mission, 12-18

10:12 For we would not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who recommend themselves. But when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding. 10:13 But we will not boast beyond certain limits, but will confine our boasting according to the limits of the work to which God has appointed us, that reaches even as far as you. 10:14 For we were not overextending ourselves, as though we did not reach as far as you, because we were the first to reach as far as you with the gospel about Christ. 10:15 Nor do we boast beyond certain limits in the work done by others, but we hope that as your faith continues to grow, our work may be greatly expanded among you according to our limits, 10:16 so that we may preach the gospel in the regions that lie beyond you, and not boast of work already done in another person’s area. 10:17 But the one who boasts must boast in the Lord. 10:18 For it is not the person who commends himself who is approved, but the person the Lord commends.

Paul responds, v13, by refering to the agreement made in Jerusalem some ten years earlier that James, Peter and John should labour amongst the Jews, while Paul and Barnabas would evangelise the Gentiles, Gal 2:7-9. He confines his boasting to this territory. His opponents, on the other hand, have gone too far in their boasting, v14, for they boast of work undertaken by others, ie Paul, in territory not their own, ie Gentile territory.

In any case, says Paul, such comparisons are futile, v13, and self-commendation is pointless, v18, for it is only the Lord’s approval that counts. Self-commendation comes in the form of letters of recommendation, 3:1-3, appeal to ecstatic gifts, 5:11-13, or missionary zeal, 10:12-18. ‘Those modern ministers who seek proof of their true ministry in the miraculous and the extraordinary are really Paul’s opponents, not Paul’ (Barnett).

v17 The quotation is from Jer 9:24.